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As we approach the fiscal year end, those looking to retirement are called on to top up ISAs and review their tax position and budgets.

Enquiries about our Prepaid funeral plans often rise around this time of year. And here’s why.

  1. They are an efficient way of protecting against rising costs by fixing funeral director fees at today’s rates. These are guaranteed no matter when the funeral is actually required which can reflect considerable savings.
  2. They’re also used to remove the burden of decision making from families at an already difficult time. Covering the main costs in advance means people remove much of the financial worry as well.
  3. Prepaying for your funeral means the money cannot be taxed so you’re investing in a future spend now, at today’s prices, and saving the tax that could be applied. At this time of year, it’s no surprise we receive more enquiries as families use funeral plans secure their savings.

There are other benefits too. You get the funeral you want right down to the last detail. For some people that is an elaborate event and for others, it’s a simple send off. Either way, and everything in between, can be detailed to ensure your family have a clear plan to follow.

Funerals are individual – designed to celebrate a life lived and in that respect, they’re one of a kind. We don’t sell packages. Because they’re all unique, we cost each one to the requirements. They’re designed to fix our professional fees at today’s rates, but the additional sums are more accurately calculated and set aside for use at a future date.

Free Plans of Wishes
For those that can’t or simply don’t want to set aside funds now, we offer a FREE planning ahead service. There are two ways to access this:

  • First, we can meet to discuss your wishes in our branch or in your own home – with your loved ones or just you alone.
  • Alternatively, go to our website and create your own plan. Once complete, we’ll send a copy to your email and you can request additional copies for loved ones, and make changes as often as you want in the future to reflect changes in circumstances.

It doesn’t cost anything to have a conversation. What’s priceless is having a clear plan to follow and where possible, funds set aside to remove the burden from loved ones at a future date. Whatever your requirements, we’re here to speak and guide you through all the options.