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This blog brings to you our many years of experience in supporting families facing a loss.  Here are our 10 top tips that, one day, may come in useful.

1. Funerals need planned.

Surely we know what kind of funeral we, or our loved ones, would want?  Well according to research, only 1% know exactly what their nearest and dearest would want.  Knowledge, patience, and consensus is needed to navigate the many decisions.  And if you’re grieving, that’s a tough challenge so using a trusted funeral director will help.

2. Planning takes time.

We’re sometimes compared to wedding planners.  Which is a compliment when you consider that a typical wedding takes 12-24 months to organise in the UK today.   We get 7-14 days to arrange a funeral.  But it involves many of the same elements in a wedding so yes, we accept the comparison.

3. First time, every time.

Every funeral is different.  First time arrangers rely on professional expertise to help guide them through the process.  Even those who have experience will need help as each funeral is different, reflecting the wishes of the deceased and families left behind.  No matter what experience you have, we’ll work with you to get it right.

4. Professionals for good reason.

It’s tempting to “cut costs” by cutting out the funeral director.  Our experience of DIY funerals is they can get out of control quickly causing unnecessary pain to already grieving families.  Personalising each one, meeting the budget, and getting it just right, is what we do every day of the year.  We encourage you to lean on our experience.

5. You can – and should ask.

Too many families meet us with trepidation, often with a long list of questions that they’re reluctant to ask.  Cost, timescales, choices – there is no one-size-fits-all.  Our first meeting with a family is about them being able to unburden themselves and get answers to any question.  In person, online, over the phone – we encourage you to ask away.

6. Trust is key.

Every funeral director can organise a funeral.  So choosing a funeral director you can trust is very important.  Which means you need more than just a price-list or a Google-search to find a firm that places you and your loved one at the heart of their service.  A common theme running through our thank-you mail is trust; how quickly our team bond and support their families, getting them through a challenging period, so they can move forward with no regrets.

7. Cost is important, but it isn’t everything.

Even when things are tight, we can help arrange a funeral that meets the smallest of budgets.  Each funeral is different but every funeral is special.  So we use what the family want, and our expertise, to shape choices and ensure costs don’t overrun.  Getting it just right matters as much to us as it does to you.

8. What’s in, and what’s extra?

Not all funeral directors are the same.  Budget packages often have hidden extras so it’s extremely important to establish what services your funeral director include in their professional fee.   We’re not the cheapest in the market.  But what we promise is complete transparency, often including as standard what others add as extras.  And you can see our costs anytime on our website, in our branch or just gives us a phone for an estimate based on your choices.

9. Where do I start?

There is such pressure to arrange a funeral.  Every day we see families struggle under the burden of so many unfamiliar decisions.  So we use our knowledge and experience to guide you through the necessary paperwork and administration.  We’re here to help you make choices and support you practically so you – and your loved ones – can focus on saying goodbye.

10. Are you the FD for us?

Yes.  We’ve been helping families in our local communities for generations.  We’re privileged to have so many families return to us time and time again, using our services in different ways.  And this includes being able to access our valuable bereavement aftercare.  We’re here for you. To find out more about us, give us a call, pop into your local branch, or visit our website – our virtual tour is a good place to start on the Reach Us page.

Let us help you when you need help the most whether that’s to arrange a funeral now or plan ahead for the future.  It costs nothing to have a conversation but to remove the burden of doubt, that’s priceless.